
Upcoming ABSA 20-Hour Supervisor Workshop — October 1 & 2, 2019


The Energy & Environment Innovation Foundation (EEIF) is hosting a 20-Hour Supervisor Training for Ash Basin Safety Awareness on October 1 & 2, 2019 at the PORTAL Building on UNC Charlotte’s campus. This training is for project superintendents and safety professionals who are actively working on ash basin closures and industrial waste management projects. Space is limited. Please contact Erin Hostetler at ehostetler@energyenviro.org or at 704-687-0948 to sign-up for the course or to request a specific training location and date/time. NOTE: EEIF is available to schedule Ash Basin Safety Awareness 8-Hour Worker Safety Courses and 20-Hour Supervisor Training Courses at additional locations and dates, [...]

Upcoming ABSA 20-Hour Supervisor Workshop — October 1 & 2, 20192019-08-23T18:30:30+00:00

OSHA 10-Hour Completion


Congratulate Erin Hostetler, EEIF & CALM Initiative Program Coordinator on the completion of the OSHA 10-Hour Hazard Recognition Training for the Construction Industry. Erin became certified in late March. This certification furthers Erin’s education on ash basin safety awareness and will allow her to support Chris Hardin and the CALM Initiative ash basin safety awareness (ABSA) with technical support and project management.

OSHA 10-Hour Completion2018-04-25T16:19:19+00:00

Chris & Jeffie went “across the pond”


Chris and Jeffie Hardin were in England and France from March 24 – April 5, 2018 to meet with Dr. Richard Dawson of the University of Nottingham to discuss methods for measurement and mitigation of problems with layered ash. Chris is working with several CALM Initiative members and experts at the University of Nottingham to address the the liquid flow properties of coal ash and layered ash systems.

Chris & Jeffie went “across the pond”2018-04-25T16:10:47+00:00

Upcoming ABSA Course – May 23-24, 2018


The Energy & Environment Innovation Foundation will host an ABSA 20-Hour Supervisor course on May 23-24, 2018 at the PORTAL Building at UNC Charlotte (9319 Robert D. Snyder Blvd, Charlotte, NC 28023) from 8:30-4:30 both days.    As of April 24 we have 14 attendees, and the maximum for the course is 20.   Please contact Erin Hostetler at ehostetler@enviroenergy.org or 704.687.0948 if you would like to attend.    The course will be for supervisors only -- contractors, project superintendents, engineers.

Upcoming ABSA Course – May 23-24, 20182018-04-25T16:08:21+00:00

Upcoming Task Force and Work Group Meetings


The CALM Initiative will host a series of meetings and conference calls for all three task forces and several specialty technology Work Groups on May 16-17, 2018. All Task Force participants are invited to attend or call in to these meetings. Locations are still being determined, and will be distributed to the CALM member in the next 2 weeks. Meetings for the Dust Emissions and the Ash Basin Stability Task Forces and Stability Evaluation and Monitoring will most likely be held at a north-eastern site. Encapsulation & Paste Task Force will be hosted at a Southern utility site. All Task Force [...]

Upcoming Task Force and Work Group Meetings2018-04-25T16:05:17+00:00

CALM Initiative at ACAA 2018 Workshop on Current Issues in Ponded Ash


On March 20 and 21, 2018 the CALM Initiative team was at the American Coal Ash Association’s 2018 Workshop on Current Issues in Ponded CCP’s in Richmond, VA. The CALM Initiative Team attended presentations and workshops throughout the conferences as well as hosted an informational table for resources on the CALM Initiative, EEIF and ABSA courses.

CALM Initiative at ACAA 2018 Workshop on Current Issues in Ponded Ash2018-04-26T21:15:21+00:00

Ash Basin Safety Awareness (ABSA) Courses are on the MOVE!


Since the CALM Initiative’s General Meeting at the end of February, the Energy & Environment Innovation Foundation (EEIF) has led two, ABSA 20-Hour Supervisor courses and one, ABSA 8-Hour Worker course across the southeast. As a team, EEIF is recognizing that having these courses on ash basin sites is critical to efficacy of the course and provides the best practical learning experience to project personnel.   The course is designed to provide practical guidelines for safety awareness that increases the knowledge of workers on ash basin sites, and help address changing conditions present on a wide variety of ash basin projects.  Contact [...]

Ash Basin Safety Awareness (ABSA) Courses are on the MOVE!2018-04-25T15:57:41+00:00

Ash Basin Safety Awareness (ABSA) Courses becoming an Industry Standard


In 2017 & 2018 (so far) the Energy & Environment Innovation Foundation has provided ABSA workshops and courses to 20 unique companies within the industry. Of those 20 companies, 5 are utilities. Our reach is expanding nation-wide and EEIF is becoming the industry standard for ash basin stability education and safety awareness. The course is designed to complement existing in-house training programs, address a variety of OSHA guidelines and provide practical guidelines that keep workers safe during ash basin closure construction.

Ash Basin Safety Awareness (ABSA) Courses becoming an Industry Standard2018-04-25T15:55:52+00:00

CALM Initiative Website is LIVE! CALM Initiative Technical Library is ALMOST READY!


After review by members of the CALM Initiative Industry Partner Advisory Board, the Phase 1 roll-out of the CALM website is complete! Additional information about the Technical Library and Members ONLY notices will be provided at the CALM Initiative Meeting on February 27 & 28.

CALM Initiative Website is LIVE! CALM Initiative Technical Library is ALMOST READY!2018-02-15T22:37:10+00:00

SAVE THE DATE — CALM General Meeting, February 2018


The next CALM Initiative General Meeting & Utilities Only Meeting will be February 27-28, 2018 at the PORTAL Building at UNCC. This meeting is open to all Utility Members, Industry Partner and Associate members of the CALM Initiative. A formal Save the Date will be sent out via email. Agendas and more information will be emailed to CALM Initiative members in early February. To confirm attendance at the February 2018 CALM General Meeting, please contact Erin Hostetler, EEIF & CALM Initiative Program Coordinator at ehostetler@energyenviro.org or 704-687-0948.  

SAVE THE DATE — CALM General Meeting, February 20182018-02-02T21:37:46+00:00

Contact Info

9319 Robert D Snyder Road
Suite 340, PORTAL Building at UNC Charlotte
Charlotte, NC 28262

Phone: 704.687.0948

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